Flex, Ironman, flex!! Number 18 Rules!! That is his 'mean' competitive face, by the way...JT has always had an interest in sports and exercise...so I signed him up for a kids triathlon just to show him what it is like, you know, for exposure. I figured, he'd like it or hate it, and then, we'd know. I was a little worried that he would be upset if he didn't do well since he is extremely competitive. Well...his age group, the youngest one, went last so that they could see the older kids do it. Everything was the same for each group except the number of laps that the kids had to complete. As he watched group after group, he started to get really excited and couldn't wait until it was his turn.
And....They're Off!! The first leg of the race was a dash into the ocean and a swim out and around a buoy and back. JT's group had to have a parent with them at all times, so guess which lucky parent went into the cold water with JT? Well, let's just say, Daniel didn't even pack a suit...and that there won't be any more pics posted on this leg of the race...
~~Go, Baby, Go~~
After the swim, the kids put on shoes and helmets and took off on their bikes. By the time, JT had hopped on his bike, there were kids already biking but there were also kids still swimming so we were pretty much right in the middle. The bike trail is a dirt road so a lot of the kids were falling or getting stuck. Daniel ran beside him and they passed a couple kids on this leg...haha.
~~The Final Leg~~~~The Dash to the Finish Line~~
I know he's only five, but I swear he kicked it up a notch when he saw the tape....JT crossed the finish line happy and tired. We think he placed fourth, but we're not sure. (They didn't rank the little ones) He was just happy to get his goody bag and some juice.